The South Eastern Multiple Birth Association (SEMBA) is a support group for multiple birth familiies run by volunteer parents with multiples.   

Our aim is to provide a means of communication for sharing information on the care and raising of multiple birth children.   

SEMBA supports families with multiples living in and around the South East of Melbourne, covering the areas of Port Phillip, Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston Councils.  

Members have access to Expectant Parents Information sessions presented by volunteer parents of multiples, as well as various information sessions with external speakers such as Sleep and Settling, School Readiness, Nutrition, Speech and Language and First Aid for Families. 

SEMBA also offers low cost hire of double electric hospital grade breast pumps. 

Most importantly, SEMBA provides opportunities to connect with local families of multiples, because nothing is more valuable to parents of multiples than other parents of multiples. 

SEMBA is proudly affiliated with the Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA). 


SEMBA Member Drinks

  • Brighton Beach Hotel
  • 25-02-2025
  • 19:30 – 21:30

Come and join us for a drink and catch-up at the Brighton Beach Hotel on Tuesday 25th February. A... More Details